JavaCC [tm]: JJDoc Release Notes

Changes from JJDoc 0.1.5 to 0.1.6


Refactored to make Generator a settable interface,
enabling Maven or other generators.
Existing Generator becomes TextGenerator.


Changes from JJDoc 0.1.4 to 0.1.5


Fixed bug where Writers were not being closed correctly.
Fixed bug where help message would not appear on command line.
Added the "CSS" option.


Changes from JJDoc 0.1.3 to 0.1.4


Now accepts JavaCC try/catch/finally blocks.


Changes from JJDoc 0.1.2 to 0.1.3


Made appropriate internal modifications for the JavaCC 0.7 parse error


Changes from JJDoc 0.1.1 to 0.1.2


Fixed bug where ()+ expansions were being reported as ()*.


Changes from JJDoc 0.1 to 0.1.1


Fixed several stupid bugs in the Macintosh main class.


Fixed bug where production comments were being generated multiple
times in text modes and one table HTML mode.


Moved production comments to the correct place: they were coming out
with the preceding production in one table HTML mode.


JJDoc 0.1

JJDoc takes a JavaCC parser specification and produces documentation
for the BNF grammar.  It can operate in three modes, determined by
command line options.

    TEXT                   (default false)

Setting TEXT to true causes JJDoc to generate a plain text format
description of the BNF.  Some formatting is done via tab characters,
but the intention is to leave it as plain as possible.

The default value of TEXT causes JJDoc to generate a hyperlinked HTML

    ONE_TABLE              (default true)

The default value of ONE_TABLE is used to generate a single HTML table
for the BNF.  Setting it to false will produce one table for every
production in the grammar.


The default behavior is to put the JJDoc output into a file with
either .html or .txt added as a suffix to the input file's base name.
You can supply a different file name with this option.